Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lazy Beach Day

Is there a blogger's anonymous? I had a moment today as Molly was getting her hair chopped off when I actually thought in my head that I had to get a picture so I could post it on the blog tonight - because what a tragedy it would be if family and friends had to experience it for themselves in person in the next few days rather than in a picture the instant it happens! So note - there is no picture - an exercise in self restraint?? Actually my damn camera would not work! Rest assured that I thought there was no way for my girl to be more beautiful but cut off several inches of hair and angle it against her gorgeous face and, well.............use your imagination!
Sunday was a lazy day at the cottage with my parents. Auntie Kake was there and in the same clothes she had worn the day before - hmm - hmmm. I'm not asking any questions but in the college days that would be associated with the good old "walk of shame". Just kidding (obviously!) Auntie Kake made an impromptu decision to stay over at the cottage and we reaped the benefit of getting some quality time with her on Sunday. Since everyone loves the pictures and dislikes my commentary - biased as it might be - I'll keep my captions short and sweet.

Molly and her Daddy loving the beach!
Peter and Daddy making a castle.
Molly girl soaking up the sun and looking gorgeous!
My boys - how cute!
The boys posing for me!
Molly girl using Grammy's "spy glasses" to see the boats! She was probably looking for Daisy but we'll give her the benefit of the doubt!
Annie cruising the sidewalks in her walker.

My girl in the ocean and loving life.
The girls playing in the surf.
Annie-boo playing with the sand.
Hanging with Papa - she's soaked because 2 seconds before this she was underwater!
The kids love being spoiled by Grammy - veggies and dip in front of the TV!
Pete ready for a kayak ride with Papa. You might notice that there are no pictures of them in the kayak - that would be because by the time I got out there they were nothing but a pinpoint in the ocean and I was in a subtle yet real panic. Anybody remember the Harding men's rescue by the Coast Guard down at Hawk's Nest?
Grammy and her sleeping angel. I wish I could still curl up on my mom like that!
Love love love this picture! The evening was beautiful - cool and breezy - the kids had such a relaxing and fun day that there were no breakdowns when it was time to go and so we stopped for a picture with Grammy and Papa by the reeds at the back of the cottage. What lucky kids I have to be so loved by their grandparents and how cute do my parents look?
Newport is only 3 days away and we're almost at the 100 day mark for baby Caroline - YIPPEE!


Anonymous said...

Who the hell is messing with the commentary? I love your commentary, I need your commentary and I will gladly & with zeal kick the ass of anyone who tells you it's boring!!!!

bethlkelly said...

that was me, I didn't post anonymously on purpose, the ass-kicking still stands...xooxBeth