I had high hopes that without an infected gall bladder this pregnancy would contain less nausea and vomiting and more glowing and radiance. Those hopes have been dashed as the incredible symptoms of my first pregnancy reemerged. Not that I'm complaining - I would endure just about anything for a healthy baby but I would imagine that soon the people closest to me will start complaining. I tend to lose my filter - my ability to be pleasant and nice and hide my feelings when the nausea kicks in. Luckily Bob hasn't had enough time to lower his defenses since the last pregnancy so he is covered - my colleagues at work and friends and family are not so lucky - I am pretty sure I overheard my staff at work bestow a not so kind nickname on me this week.
Here is the first picture of our new little one - all 10 mm of it! The arrow points to the baby and the other little round thing is the yolk sack that will eventually become the placenta. Right now the baby is the size of a kidney bean. KK has a nickname for Annie based on one of her ultrasound pictures so I'm dying to know what she can come up with for this little one! I originally thought it would be a boy but based on the similarities to my pregnancy with Ann it may be another girl - somebody better help us find a girl's name because we are stuck!
Annie Bananie loves MOlly's beanbag chair and the kids think she is adorable when she sits with them in it to watch a movie. Annie weighs 20 pounds and is 28 inches long. She uses a cup, does "So Big", claps her hands and responds with giggles and laughter when the big kids are around! Annie went to Papa's topping off ceremony and to Boston in her 7th month! She fits in perfectly with our whacky family.
Amazing how similar the kids are in their development at certain ages. So thanks for indulging me in some history - I find that at every stage of babyhood I think that it is the "cutest" one and then Annie starts doing something else and I think that stage is even cuter. I remeber doing it with the other kids too so it was fun to look back!
OMG! I can't believe how quickly they've all grown. It seems like just yesterday I was wondering if the hair on Peter's ears meant he was Indian. I've got to go back and look at old pics. They are way too cute.
P.S. What was your dad's "topping off" ceremony?
Forgot to sign my name.
In the spirit of naming after relatives I vote for Brigid if it's a girl. Which if you strain your eyes a bit you can totaly see the 3 lines in the picture. It's been a blast watching the other 3 grow up and this one will be just as fun! Hope you feel better
I love your blog. I keep checking it for another entry!
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