Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our First Backyard Picnic of the Year!

First of all - thanks to my family for their support of my work with people with HIV - I wish it was as noble as you make it sound.
I was too exhausted to blog last night and to be honest I'm quite sure that after the day I've had I probably won't make it to see Grey's Anatomy at 9 tonight either.
I did a Chinese gender prediction test today and it came out that I was having a girl again - someone had better find us a good name for her if that's true. Since all of the other kids are named after someone special we really need a family name - not too outlandish - that isn't too long since the last name is Harding - Wheeler. We have had our boys name since the day we decided to try to have a baby 3 years ago so we are set on that - one more reason that the baby is probably a girl! The kids already refer to the baby as Macky (if it's a boy his name will be Mack Patrick for those who don't know!)- Molly and Peter are counting on a boy!
Last night KK invited us to a picnic at our house. She brought hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, watermelon and baked beans! The kids had a blast and Kk and Meg helped Molly plant some veggies and flowers out back while Papa played with Annie. Uncle B and Uncle Scott even came over after work - such fun when you can stay outside until 8 p.m and its still light out!
KK and Meg helping the girls plant some flowers and veggies in the backyard - Molly loved it!
My little beauty out in the backyard - helping to plant?
Molly - Girl loved planting in the backyard - she was all business in her cute little skirt with dirt up and down her legs and on her face!
Annie didn't want to give up her potting planter - it tasted good!
Papa came over for dinner, too - Annie loves her Papa time!
The first watermelon of the season - the kids had four pieces each! Peter was so excited all through dinner - he asked for dessert ten times!
Annie's first taste of watermelon - she could not get enough and grunted if Papa took it away from her! When Peter was Annie's age he used to get excited just to see watermelon in the grocery store!
My beautiful girl eating her watermelon - I have to say - just seeing Molly with some color on her face and her smile back is a relief - she had us very worried last week. The pediatrician called to check in today and see how she was doing - I thought that was very sweet!
Annie Bananie concentrating very hard on getting her watermelon off the rind! Molly was grossed out because she ate the green part!
Uncle B and Annie - she ADORES Uncle B - puts her arms out to him, laughs when he dances for her and is just generally happy when he is around. And if I might be so bold - Annie has Uncle B wrapped around her little finger at an earlier age than even Molly did! (although Molly is always the first one to run out the door and greet Uncle B when he gets here!) I think he is getting soft with age - he won't stand a chance with the new baby!

So a beautiful night thanks to KK's generosity and aunts and uncles willing to spend the night playing baseball, breaking up fights and wiping up baby spit - and a nice dose of Papa - always a great way to end the day! My children are very blessed!

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