Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Great Day for Molly!

So my cousin Brigid (For this blog I'll nickname her Bitchy Brigid because she hurt my feelings) says that my blog is long and boring and I talk about things that no one cares about. So instead of shortening my blog I am giving everyone permission to log off - consider yourself warned - my long and boring blog is about to begin!

I don't know these babies but found this piucture of a 17 pound baby born last month. Cross your legs Moms because he was not delivered by C-section - EHHHHHHHHH! Look at the scrawny little bugger next to him praying that the wall between them is adequate to keep the big guy from rolling over onto him and crushing him!

Molly ran in from school so excited to talk to me and tell me about her GREAT day at school. First she was waving a letter from the school at me and jumping up and down. You are looking at the Noah Webster Citizen of the Month for April. This is something that means a great deal to Molly and last year in pre-K she was the Citizen of the Month in September so she has had to work hard for it this year. One of her best friends was Citizen of the Month last month and she told us that she was going to work extra hard to get it this month. Looks like it all paid off and the ceremony is next Friday. I can't wait just because she is so proud of herself.

The second great thing that happened today was that Mrs. Nelson somehow turned April Fool's Day into the BEST day of Kindergarten for Molly. There were practical jokes and cookies for snack and a sweet little card that looked like a flower but when you opened it it was a bunny and wished us a Happy April Fool's Day. Molly was shaking because she was so excited for us to see it and then she lovingly bestowed it on Auntie Karla to keep afterwards. Mrs. Nelson makes every holiday - a few I didn't know existed - special for the kids with different activities and projects - Molly could not be happier!

The third great part of MOlly's day was that Abby and Tyler come over for dinner on Tuesdays after the boys have basketball. Molly and Abby love to play together and tonight we got an extra bonus when Auntie Karla stopped in with Katie and she smiled for the kids. MOlly loves to hold Katie and was sort of funny asking if I thought Katie knows her and loves her already. I answered YES, of course! I also thought it was cute that Kate was wearing Ann's old fashioned looking little coat!

The kids LOVE big bubbly tubbies together and what kind of Auntie would I be if I denied them their fun. Abby and Molly had a blast giving each other hair styles with bubbles and playing with the bath toys! After they got out we painted our finger and toes nails with bright pink nail polish - Karla will love me for that one. Karla and Pat got an unusual night out when my parents took Katie and they were able to go out and celebrate alone the fact that my brother passed his brokers Test! Yeah, Unlce Pat!

The boys also love a good bubble bath but notice the bubbles splashed up the walls and the wrestling happening in the tub - the very small tub. Picture Niagra Falls as water rushes over the sides and onto my bathroom floor. Its really hard to yell at them when they are giggling incessantly. How much longer will they both fit in the tub anyways - they might as well enoy it right??????

How can I not include a little tid-bit about Annie Bananie? My little love bug had a small bout of the runs today and ended up pooping through three outfits while grunting the entire time for more food. In this picture she is using the cute little lamb that Mrs. Nelson gave her as a teething toy. She loves this little lamb but spends lots of time trying to poke the poor lamb's eyes out! Annie is completely in love with Tyler and when the other kids all go play Tyler usually hangs out with Ann for a while - he dotes on her like crazy!

Peter is doing a great job reading lately. He still struggles with stretching words and blended sounds and it sounds somewhat choppy but boy does he try hard and I am so proud of all he is accomplishing. He wants to to be good at reading and that is the first barrier so we are working really hard to keep encouraging him and working with him at home. I for one am amazed at how much they learn in first grade - between reading and math and science - it is a good thing that are little sponges because I have trouble keeping up with all of the new skills they learn.

And one last cute story about Peter - let's hope Auntie Kara finds it as funny as I did. I was talking to Bob about how I am hoping that my cousin Kara gets pregnant soon. Peter asked why she doesn't just get pregnant if she wants to have a baby in her belly. So I lovingly explain to Peter that it is harder for some women to have babies then others and that God knows what's best and will help Auntie Kara and Unlce Rob get the baby they are meant to have in whatever way that baby is meant to get to them. He looked me dead in the eye and said, "Why doesn't Daddy put a baby in Auntie Kara's belly - he's really good at it!"EWWWWWWWWWW!

So I will end my long and boring blog on that note!


Anonymous said...

OMG! Don't you dare stop blogging! This is my life line; sometimes the only thing that keeps me from wandering to the Zakim Bridge. I check your blog from my bookmarks toolbar incessantly and if there's not a new one I reread the old ones. I love hearing every last detail! If Burgledorf really doesn't like the blog then I suggest she take the advice Abby gives to Karla when she scolds her for picking her nose, "Tun awound." :0)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

WTF!!! That's not what I said