Thursday, April 17, 2008

Case De Inferma

One of my staff at work called to see how we are doing at the "Casa De Inferma: and it sounded kind of catchy. Gratefully today was a turning point for Molly. Okay every mother is going to cringe but after eating crackers and ginger ale all day - thanks to a well timed and thoughtful care package from Auntie Karla at around 5 p.m. Molly announced her hunger. We asked what she wanted and she responded quickly with "I know you're going to say no, Mommy, but I really want a happy meal." And I am weak and pathetic and sent Bob out immediately to get her one. The one think I have to say about Mols is that when she gets over a sickness she does it with gusto! So she downed 3 chicken nuggets and half a milkshake (Yup, I let her get a milkshake, too) and then declared her belly "bubbling and full." So far so good!

Pete found his spiderman costume today and was cracking Annie up as he ran around spinning his webs. She loves anything this little boy does for her!
She truly didn't even mind having the mask over her face as Pete played hide and seek with the Spiderman mask.
Peter and Annie kissing and cuddling! He was so attentive today while Annie started feeling kind of out of sorts.
Molly and Annie Bananie - Molly was very relieved to be able to hug and kiss her sister again now that the germs are pretty much out of her system. Annie was in her PJ's way past the rest of us!
Pete thought it was fun to stand out by the road in his Spiderman costume waving to all the cars going by. The response was mixed!
Molly girl with some color back in her face and getting some fresh air - she finally got back to normal a bit late in the afternoon.
Spidey and his sister!
Peter got a much needed reprieve from the sick house when Papa came and rescued him. He could not move fast enough to get out of the house with Papa.

Molly drinking a milkshake and looking great. Bob is still hanging on by a thread and Annie was looking a bit green but I hope we are on our way to recovery. Grammy came and took me to Walmart to get some diapers for Banana - it was really more of a chance to just get out of the house and away from the sick people. Not much new to blog about - we are watching our 3rd Hannah Montana of the night and then we are all off to sleep at 9!

I know the Annie videos get annoying and people are probably wishing that my camera had no video option on it but it comes in quite handy. Like today when I was struck by the beauty of Annie's tiny little, dimpled fingers so delicately and carefully picking up raisins off her high chair tray. She LOVED the raisins. I still haven't been able to get her on camera doing "So Big".

Thanks to everyone who reads the blog and sends me sweet e-mails humoring me about how interesting life in the germ infested Harding-Wheeler house is.

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