Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy 2011

The Harding - Wheelers are having an interesting problem these days. You know that book Awkward Family Pictures - seems like these days our name could be on the front cover. The kids are just going through awkward phases where every picture seems to have a binkie in their mouth, a bump on their face or a weird look going on. And that is If, and only If, they agree to be in the pictures - Lizzie hasn't been seen much of late! We are starting to save for the therapist she is going to need thanks to her mother breaking down in tears because of Elizabeth's refusal to get in a picture the other day! So what is a mom to do when she stares into the eyes of her five children and has a physical ache to capture their face at their very moment only to hear them groan or run away - You guessed it - I keep trying. I am persistent if nothing else and I am NOT giving up!

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's and as the kids grow Bob and I have found that we encounter new challenges every day. When Lizze and Ellie were babies we really couldn't imagine life getting any more hectic - especially with the carriers and the need for all the other car seats and trying to figure out bedrooms and toys and clothes and formulas and baby foods and allergies and all the baby stuff. We reevaluated our position on that now that we have twins who are active 2 year olds - turns out it can get more hectic. Now that everyone is walking, talking and talking back we really have our hands full. The other day in church a woman asked how many kids we had - when I informed her that we had 5 she said - wow - seemed like 10 to me! I'm assuming that to her we seemed bigger because we were loud and obnoxious but at least we got there and remained relatively quiet until the very long announcements at the end! I'm not sure if this phase is harder but it is certainly different and requires alot of patience. Annie is three and really would love to be in school already. She will go to Noah Webster next year, God willing, but right now she is slightly unchallenged in the daily happenings of our home. She is bored with colors and playdough and ready to have some real interactions with other kids and teachers. She is exactly like Molly was at her age - more ready for school than I was in college!

Peter and Molly are starting the second half of the year which means we are beginning the countdown to summer already! Peter is flourishing in 4th grade - reading above grade level and completing his work like a champ. He struggles with handwriting and concentration but works extremely hard and loves to read! We couldn't be happier with his efforts and progress! Molly is a born student - she loves to read and do math - at school and in her free time. She loves the social aspect of school and the truly inspired teaching of Miss Kelley will likely stay with Molly throughout her life - she has such passion for her work and the students that she makes me want to go back to 3rd grade!

Today is a snow day - the most snow CT has gotten in 105 years and the kids could not be happier. The state is basically shut down and the school cancelled classes last night so we didn't even have to wait until the morning to start planning our snow day! Even Community Health Center closed today - so you know the snow was bad. I took many many many pictures at Kwanzaa so I have decided to attach them in a file instead of uploading every single one - I just don't have the time. Instead I am going to put a few highlights in and be more selective about my pictures starting today. The issue is that when i go to print out the blog there are so many pictures that it costs a fortune.

Peter and his BFF, Lucas.

Bob and his other wife!

The kids are ready for Kwanzaa!

Welcoming everyone to Kwanzaa.

Lighting of the 7 Kwanzaa candles that represent the 7 principals of Kwanzaa.

Katie loved lighting a candle.

Miss Patty joined us and as an "elder" read a prayer for us!

We had a special ceremony that involved a gift that was asked for each child by one of their godparents. In our family godparents are very important people and so in the absence of a godparent for Molly and Lila we chose someone very special to fill in. It was a pretty beautiful ceremony and I think the kids felt very special.
Uncle Colin had the most godchildren present with 3 - Brendan, Ellie and Tyler!

Uncle Scott filled in for Lila who did not have a godparent present - he did a wonderful job!

Auntie Beth and her goddaughter, Ellie.

Auntie Meg and her goddaughter, Lizzie.

Uncle Bob and his goddaughter, Katie.

Auntie Karla and Uncle Ed with their goddaughter, Annie.

Mommy and her beautiful goddaughter, Abby!

Auntie Brigid and Uncle Joe were with Auntie Kara who was welcoming Macklin into the world so Uncle Tim filled in thanks to their very special relationship!

Uncle Colin and his godson, Tyler.  

Uncle Pat and Kk with Peter, their godson!

Auntie Ann came with gifts for all of the kids!

Papa loves Kwanzaa.

The toast


The kids - sans Elizabeth!

Grammy and Miss Patty! 
Uncle Tim also had a birthday on Kwanzaa and was nice enough to still come and celebrate with us - we sang happy Birthday to him while he fed Lila!

New Year's Eve day we had sleepovers and the twins!

The boys playing video games.

They even let Brendan play for a while.

Lizzie kept busy with her coloring!

Lizzie loves when the babies are in their exersaucer - then she can play with them on her level!

Peter hanging out with Brendan - they are so cute together!

Annie's pre-New year's Eve snooze!

Let the fun begin!

Happy New Year's Eve to our newest additions!

Guess what Auntie Meg and Uncle Tim had just found out on this day last year - that Lila and Brendan were, in fact, not one but two babies!

Grammy and Ellie ringing in the new Year.

Auntie Beth and the girls ringing in the new year!


Grammy and Papa look exhausted!
So I didn't just highlight - it was all too cute to miss out on. I just have the Mack Christmas to get up now and then I am almost caught up!

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