Long day at work and Bob is at poker so this is going to be short and sweet but I was already on the computer so I decided to post.
I'm never quite sure what goes on when Auntie Meg is here - I know that there are always a few pictures and they are always a bit puzzling but the kids are happy, healthy and loved so who am I to question! Auntie Meg and the babies - Molly took this one!
Annie with her arms out for her sister!
Sisters bonding in Pete's spiderman bed!
Elizabeth moved to her new crib for her nap today - she looks so little in that big crib. Tim is loaning us a crib and it is perfect - I'm not ready for the big move yet but for the daytime it's working!
When Lizzie woke up I had put the mobile over her crib. It took her a few minutes to notice it, believe it or not! She was so excited once she saw it and she kept craning her neck to get different views - I, obviously, thought she looked adorable!
Kind of a boring post - kind of a boring day! I'm off to watch Grey's in bed - let's hope the babies cooperate. BTW - Annie is on the mend and sleeping again - one down two to go!
When I thought I had to move the blog to private I got lots of e-mails from people I don't know who follow the blog because they found it through other people's blogs. I had over 135 people e-mail me and only 24 were family - not sure why this would be at all interesting to others but lots of people had questions so I thought I would answer a few of them through the next few weeks.
Deb asked if we are currently foster parents - we are not. When I got pregnant with Annie we had to become inactive for a year (DCF requires this). When we were elligible to go back to being foster parents - Annie was about 4 months old and the social worker called to set up an interview for the following week to reactivate us as foster parents. Between the time of that call and the interview I found out I was pregnant with Elizabeth and the rest is history. We were able to take placement of Ellie as an exceptional placement because she is biologically related to Peter. We are currently being relicensed as foster parents and hope this will go through by next week! Bob and I love being foster parents and despite all of the bad press that DCF and the foster care system get our experiences have been mostly positive and the rewards far outweigh the challenges!
Ellie resting on Grammy's arm. She was inconsolable about 5 seconds before this but Grammy found a way to calm her down! Oh - and did I mention that Grammy was also calming Lizzie down at the same time. They love their Grammy and I love that my parents don't get ESPN U and had to come to our house to watch the UCONN Big East games for a few nights!
Love this picture of Bob and Ellie. That is a typical Ellie smile - all you have to do is make eye contact with her and she gives you one of her big grins! I could just eat her up!
I always like to see the pictures on my camera when I get home from work - it gives me an idea of what goes on with Auntie Meg when I'm not home! I am quite sure that Auntie Meg doesn't use the word NO a whole lot with Annie - she's her aunt - she's entitled to some indulgence!
Annie regressing a bit!
I grabbed dinner at Xpect in Cromwell and was able to stop and finally use my coupon at DQ for Dilly Bars - the kids LOVED them!
That's one way to do it!
Peter can't get enough of the cherry dip from DQ!
My pretty girl enjoying her Dilly Bar - Molly would do ANYTHING for ice cream.
Annie was adorable eating her ice cream! What a doll she is!
Dinner question - If you could be any day of the week what day would you be? Peter - Thursday because he has gym, Molly -- Sunday because it is Papa's birthday, Mommy - Sunday because we hang out in pj's all day, Daddy - Sunday because we get up and drink coffee and read the paper!
Is it me or are the weekends shorter than the weeks in between? We had a great weekend - found out we're all going to Disney World, got to spend some time on SAturday with the nieces and nephews and then relaxed and watched the UCONN game with my parents today!
Annie has an ear infection and was having trouble sleeping the other night - I couldn't resist taking a picture of Bob and Annie - notice Lizzie in the background sleeping in her bassinet. Ellie - Bear!
Lizzie getting good with the Bumbo!
Bob playing with the babies on the floor!
Ellie's turn for the Bumbo!
Molly girl and her little sister!
Peace Out!
Uncle Bob and Abby
The girls couldn't get enough of the babies - the boys could have cared less about them!
Julia and Ellie hanging out.
Molly girl bonding with Lizzie bug!
My beautiful goddaughter spending some quality time with Lizzie!
Abby has her hands full.
Julia wanted a chance to hold all of the babies. Too cute!
Molly and Ellie.
Annie helps Ellie try out the exersaucer!
Ellie relaxing in the saucer!Lizzie getting her turn in the saucer!My beautiful girl in the saucer!Pete and Lucas - best buds!Silly boys - Silly faces!I know she's my daughter but Molly is just gorgeous - sometimes I can't stop taking pictures of her. She got to go to Mercy today for lunch and a musical with Auntie Ann, Sister Anne and Sister Ancie - she had a blast!Perfect little smile!The twins in matching outfits!Our happy babies!Check out how big Ellie has gotten since she's been here - there is hardly a difference between Ellie and Lizzie! Our sweethearts all dressed in hearts.The babies playing together - too cute!Sweet baby hands!Lizzie going in for the hand - she doesn't want her hand but wants Ellie's instead! I love watching the girls together!Silly Ellie!Molly and Lizzie - Molly loved being away from home and getting some time alone but she could not get enough of her sisters once she got home.I LOVE this picture - Molly is such a great big sister and she loves her sisters and brother so much! Lizzie wearing her jacket and ready for a walk!Daddy took the kids for a walk today and we wanted to see how Lizzie liked the Baby Bjorn - needless to say she loved it! This may be a good means of transportation in Disney!Auntie Karla and the kids checking out the arrangements for Disney!Uncle Pat and Ellie. Ellie won't be going to Disney with us because she is still not allowed out of state with us and we don't want to rock the boat. Hopefully someone will offer to take her for the week so she doesn't have to go into respite care - hint hint hint!Bob and his beautiful goddaughter - what a great smile!Papa with his hands full - wait till Disney!The girls excited to go to Disney!Peter giving hugs - he said that going to Disney is his dream come true!Tyler could not contain himself - he LOVES Disney World!Annie has no idea what she is in for - so cute, our girl!
I can't get video to upload right now but I promise to get it at some point! Right now I'm exhausted and ready for an early bedtime!