We took the kids to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner last night at Molly's request. Peter asked if he could get up and go to the bathroom all by himself so - like a good mother - I felt the need to give him instructions. Go in, do your business, wash your hands and come back out immediately - don't talk to anyone or touch anything. Pretty simple right? So he comes back to the table in 2 minutes and I ask if he washed his hands good. His response, "I didn't wash my hands - there was a sign that says only employees need to wash their hands!" When Bob and I started laughing hysterically he lifted his little shoulders and said "What? There's a sign...really there is, Mommy." We sent him back with an explanation that made no sense to him at all but he came back and made me smell his hands so I would know he had listened. How cute is my boy?
Annie's new words for the day - Uh-Oh (it's more the inflection on this one than the actual words!), Yes(Jes), Okay (Otay) and we're pretty sure she says (Tay Tay) for KK since she says it when she sees her in person or in a picture. The kids have also been working on that one with her. Yes seems like an odd word for a baby but we're pretty sure it is her defiant side coming out because she mostly says it when we say No. "Annie, NO", as she goes to reach for the remote control. Then she looks you straight in the eyes, smiles and says "Jes" and lifts her little shoulder up to her neck!
Molly had a special night with Auntie Ann - she just woke up to go to the bathroom and excitedly told me about the rainbow they saw - it was the biggest one ever! They picked out cake decorations for Pete's cake and a birthday present for him and then went on a scavenger hunt in BIG Y - only Auntie Ann could make BIG Y that much fun. They came home with cookies, potato chips, cake, pineapple and carrots - all on sale with silver coins - thus the scavenger hunt. Molly got a kick out of the fact that Auntie Ann wanted her to buy Crab legs with the silver coin. "They sell crab legs, Mama, for real they do....and Auntie Ann wanted me to buy them - ewwwwwwwww."
The OB/Maternal Fetal specialist called with the results of the scan from Monday - they give you most of them in the office while they do the scan but they also have a specialist who spent 10 years studying ultrasounds look at them and then call you a few days later with those results. Baby Caroline is 1.15 pounds and 13 inches - 70th percentile. Heart function according to the echocardiogram is 100% with circulation at the perfect level for her age. My fluid level is 100% - this was a big one with Annie because a low fluid count indicates heart and kidney issues and mine was always borderline with Ann. Caroline is floating freely in ample fluid and basically happy as a clam! So we go back on September 3rd for our next peek at our baby girl!
That's everyone - GNM - ILY!